Emma Pyle 

 The majority of the artwork you see on Studio on Tenth products is painted by Emma. The chickadee was the first at age 17 and that is when we knew she really had a gift. From early on, Emma loved nature.  The long walks hunting for tadpoles, snakes, and ducks are now a part of everything she creates using her favorite medium, watercolor.  A carefully chosen palate derived from Mother Nature itself gives the images a light hearted yet true to life feel.

Emma has finished her degree at Uvic and hopes to continue her studies in the fall in the secondary teaching program.  Currently she is honing her skills teaching art to youngsters at a local art program. 


Dorothy Robinson

Dorothy's art career started at 73 after heart surgery ended her beloved florist career. To every one's delight her images are now seen along Emma's collection. Naturally her images are flower and garden themed taking inspiration from her own Mother's garden.  A nod to her can be seen in the lily of the valley and hollyhock.  



Andrea Pyle

I started this business  as a way to put Emma through University without the burden of a  student loan.  I remember saying we were going to pay for her education one tea towel at a time-- followed with a big laugh. We also wanted her to be financially independent through out her life. We had some money saved for our kids but not enough for a full degree plus the living expenses that go along with it.  I have always had a side hustle and was able to use the playful images she painted to adorn all sorts of blank canvases.  We started with tea towels and have expanded from there.  I have now embarked on this as my full time job as the business has taken off and I truly love every minute.  There are a few images I painted in the collection but mostly stick to the production and business side. Enjoy these offerings from our family to yours , and know they are made with much love.